In order to make this feasible, the use of a Wiki was the best course. This allows for individual members of the forum to submit data to the wiki.
Right now, its kind of rough around the edges and in need of alot of work, so for now, I'm going to start it out as an archive of Word OF Mouth info about campgrounds, boondocking musts, and so forth.
Please sign up and contribute, once I get things more setup, I will invite some our more regular members to become mods for the wiki, including any current mods for this forum who want to play a part

Please read "Notes on Adding to the Directory" to help format you entries on the site.
I've supplied a basic form for creating Wiki Entries for those that aren't familiar with the syntax. Simply fill in the data requests in the form, then click the "Create..." button at the bottom and a Wiki Entry will be displayed for you. Cut and paste the wiki entry to the appropriate category for the State the campground is in.
Campground Wiki Generator
Truck Camper Campground Guide
Boondocking Directory
Overnighting Directory
To add/edit entries you will need to sign-up. This was done to prevent spam and random defacement.