First off, don't get me wrong, I love my lady's mother, she reminds me in many ways of my late grandmother and I loved that woman with all my being, but this will be the first time there's really ever been more than 2 people staying in the camper for any length of time, so I decided to add a bit more storage area for storing clothes and odds and ends and what not.
NOTE: As in all my project threads, all the images are clickable. Simply click an image to see a larger version.
First off the bat, I had some goodies from the May NATCOA Silver Creek Falls rally to install.

If ya look at my wall you'll see both a neat key hanger and the addition of a nice wooden spice rack. The key holder I was given along with many others at the rally, one of the club members made it, I forget who sadly, the spice rack was what I chose from the prize table when we did the drawings. Dave, one of the great guys I went hiking with that day walked away with a brand new set of torklifts, lucky guy

Anyway, I'm really getting off topic

That wall is getting mighty full compared to when I first bought the camper. That magazine rack was originally mounted on the wall where the clock is now. Where it originally was made it impossible to open the fold down cabinet bunk, so I relocated it to that empty patch of real estate near my sink. Traditionally, we use it for storing DVDs and whatever books we might be reading on the outting we're on.
You'll likely see a return of that picture again when I finish photographing everything for my Grey Water Pump project thread. The Silver switch on the wall above the red and blue ones is the control toggle that changes the grey pumps operation from Fresh Pump Sense mode to Always on. The Centered position is off.
The last bit of storage I added was to take the old wire shelf that used to go in the Pullman Mini-Camper and fasten it up in the cabover. The shelf wasn't being used in the Pullman anymore, ever since I got the KIT, it wasn't needed really anymore, so I fastened it in place following Netboy's thread, with one key difference.
I took a bracket originally used to hold a curtain rod in place and bent the end over to form a loop, then fastened it to the ceiling to hold the far end of the shelf up. This shelf will be used solely for storing clothing items to expand our wardrobe capacity from the space in the cabinet over the dinette.
Well, that's another project thread done, time to take a rest and plot the rest of my biggest project, Project Re-Paint the KIT. Its already 85% completed, and wow, what a difference a little paint can make!
Hey Matt----just came accross your blog today through iRV2. We used to live in downtown Salem and shopped at the Center Street Safeway. Good luck on your project. I'll be keeping an eye on your blog. Jim Scott